It has been announced that "DOC - Until the Day I Remember You" (10 episodes), an American remake of the popular Italian medical drama "DOC," will be broadcast and streamed for the first time in Japan on WOWOW from February 20th.
"DOC: Medical Records for Tomorrow" was also broadcast in Japan on NHK General TV and other channels. In the remake, the protagonist, Amy, an internal medicine doctor, loses her memory for the past eight years after being involved in a traffic accident, and forgets that during that time she divorced her husband and lost her beloved son. The remake depicts Amy's recovery through thrilling medical scenes. The protagonist, who was a man in the original, has been changed to a woman, making the story more delicate and dramatic. The hospital where the protagonist works has also grown, and the remake incorporates a flavor typical of American-style entertainment.
The role of Amy will be played by Molly Parker, who has appeared in the TV dramas "House of Cards" and "Lost in Space." She will also be joined by Scott Wolf, who has appeared in the TV dramas "Under the San Francisco Sky" and "The Night Shift."
To commemorate the first broadcast and streaming in Japan, WOWOW has released interviews with lead actress Molly Parker and Amira Vann, who plays her best friend Gina.
-How did you feel when you were chosen to appear in this film?
Molly Parker: Amy was my dream role. She lost her memory of who she was for eight years and discovers it as the story progresses, but as an actor, I thought the best thing about it was that I could express her in all sorts of ways to discover who she is. I could behave in any way and I could play her from all sorts of perspectives.
Amira Van: I like the simplicity of the story. I really related to the fact that, while there are challenges, such as complex medical issues and conflicts, at the heart of the story is friendship and family relationships, and I can also really relate to the feeling of being a parent and wanting to make different choices in life. So I was immediately drawn to the script.
--Please tell us what the highlights of the work are.
Molly: That's a difficult question. To answer without giving away any spoilers... There are some surprises! So, I can't reveal them... (laughs).
Amira: Every episode is wonderful. Because every episode builds up anticipation, and that's the best part. Every episode, I wonder how she's going to deal with this, and what the people around her will do. I wonder if the people around her will change to fit the new Dr. Amy. Also, each character has their own struggles and conflicts, and they have to do their job as doctors. When I see them, I feel like a veil has been lifted and I'm witnessing each of their lives. I think that's what makes medical dramas so interesting.
Molly: It's great that each character has a secret that no one knows about except the person themselves, or that only the viewers know about it. It's really intriguing.
--What was the atmosphere like on set? I think one of the highlights is the splendor of the Ensemble, but is the teamwork good?
Molly: I'm not sure if this is the answer, but I think it might help you understand the atmosphere. At the end of the season, we had a photo shoot for the cast, and we each took photos with the photographer, props guy, and actors. I prepared 15 hot dog costumes for everyone, and everyone wore a hot dog costume (laughs).
Amira: Everyone was delighted (laughs).
Molly: My dachshund was there too. That was the atmosphere. Maybe I was having a little too much fun (laughs).
--What are the highlights of each role?
Amira: I think my role is loyalty. I think that's a good word to describe Gina. You have to support her (Amy) and you have to support her in the things that she finds difficult and in the new challenges that she faces.
Molly: Gina also has the honesty to tell the truth. I think she brings realism to each situation. I think Amy is a very confused character. She's a character who's been given the opportunity to regenerate and start her life over.
Amira: I think that's great. I think your character is great. Even if she regains her memory, she can make any decision. She's free. So I'm always wondering what she's going to do next. The character of Amy, which is different from my character, has a lot of ability, and Molly is also a very talented actor, so it's really fun to see them project that into their roles. Both Amy and Molly can really do anything.
Molly: I also think that Amy is someone who can do anything at any time. It amazes me.
-Was there any scene that was difficult?
Molly: Speaking medical terms was really hard. I think you have to understand it before you say it in your lines. But the scenes where you have to say those terms are always in crisis and you have to react instantly, so it's easy to lose yourself. So it's really hard. I think it's a different language. Everyone goes to school for 10, 12 years to speak and learn this language. Sometimes I paste it on my co-star (laughs).
Amira, I have some sympathy for you because my job is a little easier.
Molly, you are few.
Amira: That's right. Neuropsychiatrists basically talk to people, including dementia patients, so it's a more human job. You don't talk to your peers, you talk to regular people, so language is very...
Molly, you're lucky.
Amira: That's right.
-Is there a scene that you like?
Molly: I won't give away any spoilers, but towards the end of the season, we filmed a scene where a lot of patients appeared at the same time, and filming that scene was really fun. There were a lot of different things happening at the same time, and the movements were very difficult and amazing.
Amira: I was also moved.
Molly, that was a great scene.
Amira: And it was good that it was towards the end. I had a beautiful understanding of my role through the journey up to that point. So even when everything was happening at once, I didn't lose sight of myself. I was able to maintain my own worldview and feel what was happening around me. I think it was good that I was able to do that in the middle of that typhoon.
Molly: I've forgotten the details, but the patient had injured his arm and the bone was sticking out, and I think John (Jake) and Scott (Richard) were there. The scene was going on too long, and we had nothing else to do, so we all started poking the patient's bone (laughs).
--Please give a message to those in Japan who are looking forward to this work.
Molly-san, Hi! To everyone in Japan. I'm really looking forward to you all watching this show, "DOC - Until I Remember You". It's a very suspenseful medical drama, very moving, and very entertaining...
Amira: So let's have fun together. It's definitely fun!
*… "DOC - Until I Remember You" will have 10 episodes. It will be broadcast and streamed on WOWOW every Thursday at 11:00 pm from February 20th (bilingual version). The subtitled version will be broadcast and streamed every Monday at 11:00 pm from the 24th (only the first episode will be at 11:10 pm).