The second episode of the third and final chapter of the new spin-off of the popular anime series Mobile Fighter G Gundam, Mobile Fighter G Gundam: Sankyo Shinden ~Touhou no Tama~, has been released on the series' official website. In the second episode, Master Asia's son Master Junior and H, who are pursuing Domon Kasshu, are confronted by Michelo Chariot, who once stood in the way of the Shuffle Alliance. It is revealed that H is the daughter of Domon and Rain, and he tells of the events that took place after the 13th Gundam Fight.
The third part is set 12 years after the DG (Devil Gundam) incident, which plunged all of humanity into unprecedented fear. Gundam Fights have been suspended in order to remove the DG Dust that has contaminated various parts of the Earth, and Master Junior, Master Asia's son, meets a girl named H, who is carrying a giant abacus, in Shinjuku City. The two pursue Domon Kasshu to a certain place in search of the treasure "Oriental Pearl", which contains the secret techniques of the Touhou Fuhai school.
"Mobile Fighter G Gundam" is a story in which fighters representing each country use Gundams to compete in a martial arts tournament called the Gundam Fight. Broadcast from 1994 to 1995, it was set in a world unrelated to the previous "Gundam" series, and gained popularity as a unique fighting anime.
To commemorate the 30th anniversary of "Mobile Fighter G Gundam," the first part of a new spin-off, "Mobile Fighter G Gundam: Tenchi Tenkan," and the second part, "Mobile Fighter G Gundam: Eiyuu Hensei," have been released on the official website, generating a lot of buzz.