STRICT-G, a concept store for apparel based on the popular anime series Gundam, will be releasing new items such as Mobile Suit Gundam SEED sukajan jackets and T-shirts in collaboration with the popular brand glamb.
The Sukajan "STRICT-G glamb Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Sukajan" (38,500 yen) is inspired by Strike Gundam. The lineup also includes the Strike Gundam T-Shirt "STRICT-G glamb Mobile Suit Gundam SEED T-Shirt Strike Gundam T-Shirt" (8,470 yen), the Freedom Gundam T-Shirt "STRICT-G glamb Mobile Suit Gundam SEED T-Shirt Freedom Gundam T-Shirt" (8,470 yen), and the Justice Gundam long sleeve T-Shirt "STRICT-G glamb Mobile Suit Gundam SEED T-Shirt Justice Gundam Long Sleeves T-Shirt" (11,000 yen).
A Freedom Gundam hoodie, the "STRICT-G glamb Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Pullover Hoodie Freedom Gundam Hoodie" (22,000 yen) and a Lacus Clyne hoodie, the "STRICT-G glamb Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Lacus Clyne Lacus Clyne Hoodie" (22,000 yen) will also be released.
Pre-orders will be accepted from 1pm on January 31st on Bandai Namco Group's official shopping site, Premium Bandai. Shipment is scheduled for April. The figure will also be sold at STRICT-G's Tokyo Odaiba store (Koto-ku, Tokyo), Tokyo Solamachi store (Sumida-ku, Tokyo), NEOPASA Shizuoka (Downbound) store (Aoi-ku, Shizuoka City), and Taga SA (Downbound) store (Taga-cho, Shiga Prefecture) from late April.