A completion report meeting for the latest film in the popular anime "Doraemon" series, "Doraemon the Doraemon: Nobita's Art World Tales " (directed by Teramoto Yukiyo, to be released on March 7th), which commemorates the 45th anniversary of the series, was held in Tokyo on January 29th. Voice actors Wasabi Mizuta, who plays Doraemon, Yumi Kakazu, who plays Shizuka, Subaru Kimura, who plays Gian, and Tomokazu Seki, who plays Suneo, who are celebrating their 20th year as voice actors of "Doraemon" since the renewal of the TV anime series in 2005, appeared and talked about their feelings for "Doraemon". Megumi Ohara, who plays Nobita, was absent due to poor health.
When asked "What does Doraemon mean to you?" Mizuta replied, "He always gives me energy and power. I live with him 365 days a year, and even when I have a stomachache or some other minor trouble, for some reason when I go to the studio and meet Dora-chan, it all goes away. There are days when you just can't wake up. When I meet Dora-chan, I feel refreshed, and he gives me mysterious power. It really makes me feel better. It might also be the power of my co-stars. Everything, including the work, is power."
Kakazu, who plays Shizuka, said, "It's a source of emotional support for me." She continued, "In our daily lives, we get older and experience many different emotions, but Dora-chan's world is peaceful, and even if we have a small argument, we can go to a warm world every week where it's resolved. Even when something difficult happens, Dora-chan and the others support us, and it feels like 20 years have passed."
Kimura, who plays Gian, said, "If I were to put it in Gian's words, I would say he is a close friend or a partner. I was given the role of Gian when I was 14 years old, and I have been walking with Gian for more than half of my life, and that will continue to grow in the future. It is because of Gian that I am able to live properly, and there are times when I think, 'Oh, Gian!', but there are also times when I think, 'Thank you!' We've been together for so long, so I guess I guess he's like a partner."
Seki, who plays Suneo, commented on his work as a voice actor, "Anyone can tell you about ' Doraemon,' and everyone knows that 'Suneo is a mean boy with spiky hair.' I may not be the one to say this myself, but I feel like I've been recognized by the world as a voice actor, and I think I've been given such a gift, to have found a role that is my signature work and that makes people around me treat me like that." He continued, "Suneo was able to get a loan for his apartment by mentioning the name ' Doraemon.' I think the name ' Doraemon' is a big deal. It really brings me many benefits," he said, drawing laughter.
Also appearing at the event were Suzuka Hiroshi, who plays Pal, an art dealer in the Principality of Arturia, making his first appearance in the "Doraemon the Movie" series, Fujimoto Miki, who plays the Queen of Arturia, making her second guest voice appearance in about two years, and Director Teramoto, whose fourth film in the series this is.
The latest film is the 44th in the "Doraemon the Movie" series. The setting is the "world inside the painting," where Doraemon and Nobita and his friends meet in the painting and face off against a powerful enemy over the phantom jewel. The film will be directed by Teramoto, who directed the TV anime "Doraemon" and became the first female director in the series with "Doraemon the Movie: Nobita's New Great Adventure into the Underworld ~The Seven Magicians~" in 2007, and the screenplay will be written by Ito Kimihisa, who has written many screenplays for the TV anime "Doraemon," and is participating in the "Doraemon the Movie" series for the first time.