The third teaser visual and third promotional video for "Maebashi Witches," a new original anime by Bandai Namco Filmworks' SUNRISE Studios, have been released. The story is set in Maebashi City, Gunma Prefecture, and follows the coming-of-age story of five high school girls as they aim to become witches, and how they grow as they face various problems. The third teaser visual is inspired by Maebashi City's catchphrase, "A city of water, greenery, and poetry," and depicts a scene at Dreamy Dreamy Flower, a flower shop that is an important element in the story.
The main cast of the series will be Sakura Kasuga as Akagi Yuina, Hinano Sakikawa as Niizato Azu, Reina Motomura as Rena Motomura, Haruka Minami as Mimata Choco, and Honami Momose as Kamiizumi Mai. Tomokazu Sugita will play Keroppe, a mysterious familiar who scouts five high school students to become apprentice witches. The series will be directed by Junichi Yamamoto. It will be broadcast from April.
A stage event for the series will be held on March 22nd at the anime event "AnimeJapan 2025" to be held at Tokyo Big Sight (Koto Ward, Tokyo). Kasuga and other voice actors will be appearing on stage.
◇Staff (titles omitted)
Original work and production: Sunrise▽Director: Yamamoto Junichi▽Series composition/Script: Yoshida Erika▽Original character design: Yui Nami▽Character design: Tachibana Nozomi▽Art director: Akuzawa Naoko▽Color design: Kutsuna Ami▽Director of photography: Fujita Kenji▽Sound director: Nagasaki Yukio▽Music: Ubuka Yuri▽Music production: Bandai Namco Music Live▽Animation production: SUNRISE Studios (Sunrise Studios)▽Production: Bandai Namco Filmworks
◇Main cast (titles omitted)
Akagi Yuina: Kasuga Sakura▽Niizato Azu: Sakikawa Hinano▽Kitahara Kyouka: Motomura Reina▽Mimata Choco: Minami Haruka▽Kamiizumi Rena Motomura: Momose Honami▽Keroppe: Tomokazu Sugita