The cover of "Plazma," the theme song for the theatrical pre-release of "Mobile Suit Gundam GQuuuuuX -Beginning-," the latest work in the popular anime series "Gundam," written by singer-songwriter Kenshi Yonezu, has been released. Yonezu himself drew the main characters Amate Yuzuriha (Machu) and Nyaan from the work. It was also announced that the full version of "Plazma" will be distributed on January 20th.
Mobile Suit Gundam GQuuuuuuX is also a hot topic as it is the first collaboration between Sunrise, which produced the Gundam series, and Khara, known for the Evangelion series. The TV anime series will be broadcast on Nippon TV, and a pre-release theatrical version, which reconstructs some episodes, will be screened at 426 theaters, including IMAX, on January 17th.
The story is about the protagonist, high school girl Amate Yuzuriha (Machu), who lives a peaceful life in a space colony floating in space, but after meeting a war refugee girl named Nyaan, she becomes embroiled in an illegal mobile suit duel competition, a clan battle... The protagonist's robot, GQuuuuuuX, is a mysterious state-of-the-art mobile suit piloted by Amate Yuzuriha, and participates in the clan battle.