Tomotaka Imamichi, also known as "Imasa" from the rock band BARBEE BOYS, and Kyoko will be appearing on the program "100 Years of Broadcasting! Cover Hits Live Special," which will be broadcast on NHK General TV from 10:00 p.m. on January 16th.
The program is a special edition of NHK's music program "The Covers" as part of NHK's 100th anniversary project. It will feature live performances from the annual festival "Covers Fest" and will feature famous songs that will go down in broadcasting history.
Imamichi and Kyoko will appear in the studio as talk guests. They will appear alongside the show's MCs Lily Franky and Moka Kamishiraishi, as well as Masanori Sera and Motohiro Hata. A "super rare" live performance by BARBEE BOYS will also be broadcast.