Actor Mitsuko Kusabue (91), who last year starred in her first solo film role at age 90 in "90 Years Old. What's So Celebratory?", has revealed that she will also star in the film "Let's Meet at Angie's Bar" (directed by Do Matsumoto), which will be released in April. Kusabue plays Angie, a mysterious "wanted person" who suddenly comes to town and opens a bar. She said, "This film was unusual for me, as I was able to act naturally and softly without any tension. I hope that viewers will feel that Angie is alive in the film."
The story is about Angie (Kusabue), who suddenly comes to town after being "blown away by the wind" and opens a bar in a cursed property. She harshly but gently tells the townsfolk some heartfelt lines like, "The only thing we're really scared of is humans," and "If our past catches up with us, we'll be eaten alive." The original work is directed by Matsumoto Do, who has worked for many years as an assistant director to directors such as Obayashi Nobuhiko, and written by Amagasaki Daisuke, who has worked on the "Private Detective Hama Mike" series and "13 Assassins."
The film features a star-studded cast, including Terao Akira Terao, the landlord who immediately agrees to rent a property to Angie, Matsuda Yoko as Mitsuyo, a hairdresser who is raising her son alone, Aoki Yuzu as Mitsuyo's troubled high school son Yuzu Aoki, Tanaka Ito as the stonemason's son Masashi, Ishida Hikari as Azusa, who is obsessed with old superstitions, and Dean Fujioka as the mysterious young man.
Kusabue commented, "This is a mysterious movie. A mysterious woman who appears like a breeze gently changes the lives of those she meets." While expressing her gratitude to her gorgeous co-stars, she said about Terao, "We've been good friends since he played my son when he was young, so it was great to work with him again after such a long time." She also reflected on the filming, saying, "Dean Fujioka makes a cool entrance, and Hikari Ishida plays an interesting character, so both scenes were fun." The movie is scheduled for release on April 4th.