It has been announced that the popular light novel "The Water Magician" by Hisatake Tadashi, who is featured on the novel posting site "Shosetsuka ni Naro", will be adapted into a TV anime and broadcast on TBS and other networks from July. The story depicts the carefree adventures of a young man named Ryo who is reincarnated into another world and becomes the strongest water wizard, and it has been announced that voice actor Ayumu Murase will play the role of Ryo. Kazuki Ura will play Abel, and Kaede Hondo will play Sarah.
The work is a light novel written by Hisataka and illustrated by Amano Hide. The story follows Ryo, a young man who is reincarnated into another world, who, after a sword fight with the Headless Knight, an attack by Assassin Hawk, and an encounter with a dragon, becomes the strongest water wizard 20 years later. Eventually, his encounter with the genius swordsman Abel brings Ryo to the forefront of history. The light novel is published by TO Books, and the comic adaptation is also gaining popularity. The series has sold over 500,000 copies in total.
Original author Hisataka commented, "Congratulations on the anime adaptation! Thank you! Congratulations to my creation ("The Water Magician") for growing up enough to be made into an anime. Thank you to all the readers who supported me up until the anime adaptation and to all the people who made it possible. Ryo and Abel, who were talking and jumping around in my head, will now be able to show their movements in front of all of you...Yes, there's no way I can't look forward to this. I'm really happy to be able to watch their movements together with everyone."
◇Staff (titles omitted)
Director: Hideyuki Satake▽Series Composition: Jun Kumagai▽Character Design: Yuuka Kotsutsumi▽Animation Production: Typhoon Graphics x Wonderland
◇Cast (titles omitted)
Ryo: Ayumu Murase ▽Abel: Kazuki Ura ▽Sarah: Kaede Hondo