The serial drama "Honnou Switch," starring Kaito Miyachika of the popular group "Travis Japan" and actor Wakana Aoi, will begin on January 11th in the TV Asahi "Oshidora Saturday" (Saturday 11pm) slot. At a press conference held recently in Tokyo, Miyachika said, "I hope to be able to spend 2025 in good health with a smile."
The drama is based on the popular manga of the same name by KUJIRA. It tells the story of childhood friends Akiyama Sei and Hoshi Koyori, who have lived next door to each other like family for 26 years since they were old enough to remember, who end up spending a night together by chance, realizing their hidden feelings for each other and beginning a "delayed first love." Sei is played by Miyachika and Koyori is played by Aoi.
Miyachika commented, "Honnou Switch is a production that I'm creating together with all the cast members, and I hope that it will make many people's hearts flutter and make it a heartwarming Saturday during the cold winter."
He continued, "In 2024, I was able to do a lot of different things as a group activity as Travis Japan, but when things got busy I would get unwell or feel unwell, so the first thing that came to mind right now was that I hope to be able to spend the year in good health and with a smile, while taking good care of myself and getting through it."
Aoi, actor Junki Tozuka, Ken Kojima from the popular group "Ae! group," and actor Maho Nonami also attended the press conference. A game called "Answer with Honno! Kyun-1 Grand Prix" was also held, in which participants competed to see who could send the most heart-pounding reply to a message from their partner. After being judged by Aoi and Nonami, Miyachika was crowned the winner.