Additional cast members for the TV anime "Alien Muumuu," based on the manga by Miyashita Yuki currently serialized in "Young King Ours" (Shonen Gahosha), have been announced, including Kase Yasuyuki as Decimal, Kajiwara Gakuto as Tsurumi Akihiro, and Hibi Yurika as Samezu Miwa. Also appearing in the cast will be Hidenobu Kiuchi as Tenkubashi Wataru, Kentaro Kumagai as Rokugo Tamotsu, and Fujii Yukiyo as Kagetsu Sonoko.
Tomoya Takahashi will be the director, Keiichiro Ochi will be the series composer, Kenji Ota will be the character designer, and the music group "Kurikorder Quartet" will be in charge of the music. OLM will be producing the anime. The first PV was also released on YouTube, depicting the aliens Muu Muu and Decimal, who say "only idiots survived," landing on Earth and meeting the main character Sakurako and her friends.
The story is about Muumuu, a cat-like alien who came to Earth from far away space, learning about home appliance technology on Earth in order to recover the technology his race lost. The protagonist Sakurako's ordinary college life is transformed by the appearance of Muumuu.
The anime will be broadcast in the spring of 2025, with newcomer Harumi Momono playing the main character Sakurako and Etsuko Kozakura playing her partner, the alien Moomoo.
◇Staff (titles omitted)
Director: Takahashi Tomoya▽Series Composition: Ochi Keiichiro▽Character Design: Ota Kenji▽Music: Kuri Corder Quartet▽Animation Production: OLM
◇Cast (titles omitted)
Muu Muu: Etsuko Kozakura▽Sakurako Umeyashiki: Harumi Momono▽Decimal: Yasuyuki Kase▽Akihiro Tsurumi: Taketo Kajiwara▽Miwa Samezu: Yurika Hidenobu Kiuchi ▽Wataru Tenkubashi: Hidenobu Kiuchi▽Tamotsu Rokugo: Kentaro Kumagai Kumagai▽Sonoko Kagetsu: Yukiyo Fujii