The ninth episode of the drama series "My Precious" (Fuji TV, Thursdays at 10pm), starring actor Wakana Matsumoto, aired on December 12th. There was a scene where Makoto (Tsunematsu Yuri) said to Miu (Matsumoto), "It seems like there's a hole in you after all," which became a hot topic on social media.
◇The following contains spoilers
Hiroki (Kei Tanaka) told Miu that he would contact her through his lawyer about future matters. He then left the house, telling her to "make Shiori happy."
Meanwhile, Makoto visits Miu's house. Seeing the room without Hiroki, she comments, "It seems like there's a hole in it."
Since it was Makoto who told Hiroki that Miu was having an affair and that they didn't know whose child Shiori was, a flood of comments were made on social media, such as "Whose fault was it that the affair was discovered?", "It was you, Makoto, who created the gaping hole!", "You were the one who stirred things up and then you said, 'It looks like there's a gaping hole now,' lol", and "It was you, Makoto, who stirred things up so that it looked like there was a gaping hole."