It has been announced that the stage play "Touge no Ieya," starring actor Nakano Taiga and starring Nikaido Fumi, will be broadcast and streamed on WOWOW in February 2025. Produced by M&Oplays, the play was written and directed by playwright, director, and actor Iwamatsu Ryo. The play was performed at the Honda Theater (Setagaya, Tokyo) from October 25th to November 17th, and then continued to be performed in various parts of Japan until December 15th.
"Touge no Ie" is a tense human drama set in an old house on a mountain pass isolated from the rest of the world, featuring three families who live there and a young person who visits them. Nakano plays Ando Shuji, who visits the house to cross the mountain pass, and Nikaido plays Saeki Toki, who has married into the house. This is Nakano's sixth appearance in one of Iwamatsu's works, and Nikaido's first appearance in 11 years.
The story is... An old house on a mountain pass operates as an inn that welcomes tourists during the summer. The three people who live there are the owner, Minoru Saeki (Iwamatsu), his son, Masatsugu (Emoto Tokio), and Masatsugu's wife, Toki (Nikaido). Now that summer is over, a young man named Shuji Ando (Nakano) and his brother's wife (Ikezu Sachiko) arrive. They say they are going to the house of his brother's war comrades, which is located just over the mountain pass.
The man who brought the two to the house is Tominaga (Niina Motohiro), who drives Minoru to and from the hospital. He is a subordinate of Nakata (Toyohara Kosuke), the head of a nearby "dojo." Ando and Toki met in the closed "Home on the Mountain Pass." Is the feeling that has blossomed between a young man and woman, both of whom have complicated circumstances, "love"? The meeting between the two causes ripples in the relationships of the people around them, eventually leading to an unexpected situation...