A book tracing the artistic career of the late Fujiko F. Fujio, known for the popular manga "Doraemon," was released on November 29th. This book is the last of the 90th anniversary of Fujiko's birth commemoration project that began in December 2023, and delves into Fujiko's true face and trajectory from various angles. It includes a chronicle that introduces the process of the creation of his works in chronological order, the original cover illustrations for the "Doraemon" Tentomushi Comics, precious manuscripts drawn before he moved to Tokyo to become a manga artist, illustrations for school magazines, and cover art for science fiction novels. It also includes an interview with Fujiko himself talking about the background of the creation of his works, including the "25th Anniversary Interview of 'Doraemon'" published in the September 1994 issue of "Shogaku Go-nensei" (published by the same publisher). The price is 4,400 yen.