Episode 6 of the TV anime "Dandadan," based on the popular manga by Ryu Yukinobu, currently being serialized on Shueisha's manga app "Shonen Jump + (Plus)," titled "A Crazy Woman Has Come," will air on November 7th on the MBS/TBS late-night anime slot "Super Animeism TURBO." In episode 6, a mysterious woman in a red dress, Acrobatic Sarasa, appears. Voice actress Kikuko Inoue plays Acrobatic Sarasa.
Momo, Okarun, and Turbo Babaa search for the missing gold ball. They search the whole school, but it turns out that the ball was in the hands of a beautiful girl, Aira (Shiratori Aira). Perhaps due to the influence of the ball, Aira is now able to see "invisible things," and in front of her, a mysterious woman in a red dress, Acrobatic Sarasa, appears. Momo and Okarun step up to help Aira when she is in danger.
"Dandadan" began serialization on "Shonen Jump +" in April 2021. The story follows Momo, a high school girl from a family of spiritualists, and her classmate Okarun, an occult fanatic, as they confront the mysterious happenings that appear one after another.