It has been announced that Bandai Namco Entertainment will hold the third limited-time opening of Gundam Metaverse, a metaverse project for the popular anime series Gundam, from December 5th to 9th. A collaboration with Hatsune Miku will be held, with a Metaverse Live performance featuring Gundam and Hatsune Miku. Pre-registration is open until December 4th.
The third event will see major updates to the metaverse space and exhibition content. The space, with a space colony motif, will be larger, and visitors will be able to control their own customized avatars. The Metaverse Shop will be revived, and will sell not only Gundam-related products, but also collaboration live goods.
Winning works from the Gundam Builders World Cup will be scanned and exhibited. A beta test of a service that turns Gundam models photographed on a smartphone into 3D models will also be held in parallel.