In the TBS Sunday Theatre drama " Mikami Sensei " (Sunday 9pm) starring actor Tori Matsuzaka , seven male students from Class 2, Year 3 of the private Rintoku Academy, where Mikami (Matsuzaka) is the homeroom teacher, gathered together for a magazine interview. In a roundtable discussion, Daiken Okudaira who plays Kanzaki Takuto, Airu Kubozuka who plays Jigen Kenta, Toyoda Yudai Toyoda who plays Miyazawa Ryo, Rintaro Hachimura Koki Yamashita who plays Tokumori Jin, Omi Natsuki who plays Fuyuki Ryuichiro, Natsuo Taiko who plays Wakui Sho, and Shoot Mori who plays Anzai Junpei answered questions such as "If you were to play a role other than yourself?"
The drama is an original "great reversal education revival story" in which Takashi Mikami (Matsuzaka), a bureaucrat in the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology who wants to change education in Japan, teaches at a private high school and leads 18-year-old high school students living in the Reiwa era while standing up to authority. The script is written by Roba Shimori, who will be teaming up with Matsuzaka for the first time since the film "The Journalist" (2019). Kazutaka Iida, who has been in charge of popular Sunday Theater dramas such as "Anti-Hero" (2024) and "VIVANT" (2023), is the producer.
◇What character would you like to play?
--If you were to play a role other than yourself, who would you like to play?
Natsuo: For me, it's Kanzaki (Takuto). Each character is unique and attractive, but Kanzaki is different from the others. He seems to be carrying a lot of things on his own, but I like how he is able to act with everyone's best interests in mind in the end.
Toyoda: I'm also Kanzaki.
Okuhira-san: Oh! (He exclaims happily as his role is repeated.)
Toyoda: It's a character I've never played before, so it's a challenge. I want to try it because it's a difficult role.
Hachimura: I want to play Fuyuki (Ryuichiro)!
Yamashita-san: Eh, me?! (laughs)
Hachimura: He's the complete opposite of Tokumori (Jin) (the character I play), and I wasn't a student like Fuyuki, so it was a reaction to that (laughs). I'd like to make the sarcastic remark in episode 4, "That combination feels really malicious." Also, in the scene in episode 5 where Fuyuki talks about his father, I felt his warmth and rediscovered his charm...
Mori-san: I totally understand!
Hachimura: That's right! That scene really touched me even during filming, but maybe it felt even more so because it was (Yamashita) Yuki.
Mori-san: I guess it would be Fuyuki. I've never played a calm character who speaks sharp words, and I also wanted to try wearing glasses. It's a bit cliche, but I'd like to try doing the gesture of fixing my glasses when they're out of place (laughs).
Everyone: (laughs)
Hachimura: It's nice that Yuki takes off his glasses while he's waiting and puts them on when the real thing starts.
Mori-san: That's right! It's like a switch that completely changes the atmosphere, and it's a powerful item!
Yamashita-san: That may be true. They are not prescription, but when I wear glasses, I can't see well. I can't see Mikami Sensei's face, so they help me to have a sharp look in my eyes.
Hachimura: Tokumori is a character who carries a notepad around with him, but I also keep mine on my desk until the cameras start rolling (laughs).
Everyone: (Laughing)
Yamashita-san: I would like to try playing (Kenta) Jigen (played by Kubozuka). I like his nonchalant attitude, and the way he says "Shhh!" (while imitating the character) in the first episode, enjoying the situation when the mysterious Mikami Sensei suddenly appears.
Kubozuka: Then I'm Mikami Sensei! that okay? (laughs)
Okuhira-san: If you say that, then someone like Mr. Mizobata (played by Takaya Sakoda) would be good too (laughs). Who would be your favorite student?
Kubota: I think Jigen is the best. I think there are some plays that only Jigen can do... At first glance, he seems free and doesn't seem to think about anything, but he's smart and can do anything. Even in scenes where everyone is listening seriously, I enjoy thinking about how Jigen would listen.
Okuhira: It's a role that really suits Airu. I'd like to play Tominaga Aoi (Aju Makita). She's friendly with everyone in class and has a playful side, but on the other hand, she keeps a close eye on Kanzaki and I think she's actually thinking about a lot of things. On the surface, she doesn't show any of that behavior at all, so it seems like it would be difficult to find the right balance. When we first started filming, it seemed like Makita was having a hard time getting into the role, so I thought I'd like to try it too.
◇Is everyone hungry for growth? The reason behind Kazutaka Iida's "pleasant miscalculation"
--Actually, I had an interview with Producer Iida Kazutaka the other day...
Everyone: Eh! Iida-san's! (And they all lean forward at once)
--Even though you all became close on the set, you said, "It was amazing how they never got too familiar with each other. It was a pleasant surprise."
Hachimura: It's true that they've become really good friends, but I think they're all being careful not to get too familiar with each other.
Yamashita-san: What I always find amazing is how everyone is so friendly during the setup, but as the performance approaches, their expressions change 180 degrees and the atmosphere changes completely. I'm always blown away by that change.
Mori-san: As a fellow student cast member, there are many things I respect about them. Everyone has a strong attitude and some students even come to watch on days when there is no filming.
Yamashita-san: That's right! It's amazing.
Mori-san: I often see them asking questions to the senior adult cast members, or asking them for tips on acting. They all have a strong desire to learn, and even though they've become like real classmates, I get the feeling that the overall atmosphere is still good and we're able to shoot smoothly.
--What do you think is the reason for creating that atmosphere?
Natsuo: Actually, I've been thinking about the reason for this. So I observed everyone during filming, and each of them tried to choose the more difficult or challenging tasks. I think that everyone just enjoys growing, and the more they can do and the more responsibilities they have, the happier they feel. Not satisfied with just appearing, each of us is enthusiastic about what we can do, and because we respect each other, I think that's what has allowed us to develop a deeper relationship as classmates in a school drama.
Hachimura: Everyone is hungry to grow, and they watch the other students' acting so much that they can say good things about all 29 of them.
Natsuo: I know what you mean! I think she goes into the shoot thinking about how to grow by learning from everyone's every move.
--It's a shooting location where you can inspire each other.
Toyoda: That's right. Since I started working on this film, I've been facing the wall of my own immaturity and shortcomings every day, and I've started to feel envious of everyone else, and just going to the set is a rewarding experience. It's not something you can take for granted, to be in a place where you can shoulder this much responsibility and pressure. I'm deeply grateful that I'm able to act in such a precious environment.
--If there was one thing you gained from this film, what would it be?
Yamashita-san: I guess it's concentration. When filming with a large group of people, you have to concentrate on your acting while there's a lot going on around you, so I feel like I need more power than usual.
Okuhira: That may be true. On the other hand, it's interesting that not everyone needs to concentrate except for the person in focus, which is unique to school dramas. The scene where Kouki talks about his father looked like it was difficult, and Kouki was really concentrating, wasn't he?
Yamashita-san: Yes, I tried my best...!
Okuhira: If it was a normal filming location, I think you would try not to get in the way of the other person, but in a classroom with a large number of people, there are differences in the level of excitement for each person, and it feels real to see Fuyuki, who is nervous and talking on his own. Since acting in a classroom is not one-on-one, but one-on-dozen people, it is often difficult to bring it into your own atmosphere. I think they were able to balance it out so that everyone doesn't goof around too much, and show a realistic classroom atmosphere. The difference in the students' attitudes makes it closer to the viewers' point of view. I think it makes it more persuasive.
Yamashita-san: It certainly does look more raw that way.
Natsuo: It's thanks to the staff that we're able to stay in an environment where we can concentrate and grow like this. It was impressive to see how much fun everyone in each department seemed to be having, and I'm so grateful to the staff who create this environment.
◇Don't miss the growth of your students! Pay attention to the developments that will come from their deepening bonds.
-Finally, please tell us what we can look forward to as the story approaches its final stage.
Toyoda-san: I think you can see the class gradually coming together towards the end of the series. The students gradually get used to Mikami Sensei, who was a bit different and left a strong impression at first, and the content the students are facing becomes even more interesting, which I think will be a highlight of the series.
Yamashita-san: Iida-san told me, "Episode 5, which was a turning point for Fuyuki, is over, but what's most important is what Fuyuki does from now on." Fuyuki is relieved that he has grown a step, but I'd like you to pay attention to the changes in the class, who have become even closer together after the business competition.
Mori-san: You can see the various expressions of the students and funny behind-the-scenes stuff on social media, so I hope you enjoy the content outside of the show too! I think that because it's content that lets you see our real faces, you can also get a sense of the seriousness in the show. That's why we have to do our best to be funny! (To Hachimura)
Hachimura: That's something we have to work hard on! (laughs) I also want you to pay attention to each of the students who meet Mikami Sensei and grow. Of course there is a sense of unity in the work, but if you look closely at each one, I think you'll notice that there are parts that are different, just like in the real world.
Natsuo: I want people to think about the meaning of each line as they watch the movie. I think that people of my generation are often confused, just like I was. There are many words that saved me, so I want you to listen carefully to the lines that get even more passionate as the movie progresses. I'm sure you'll want to savor them over and over again!
Kubota: Things happen on set that are beyond what I expected when I read the script. The acting that everyone has thought up all comes crashing together on set, so I can't predict how it will turn out. Everyone is putting their all into it, so I hope that each and every one of those things will be conveyed to the viewers.
Yamashita: I think we want to surprise not only the viewers, but even the student cast members.
Okuhira-san: I understand, you want to hit them hard!
Natsuo: The chemical reaction is really interesting!
Kubota: That's right. That's what happens when each person thinks carefully about their role. I think the video conveys that everyone is constantly thinking about what they need to do. I think there are some performances that only this group of people can do, so I hope you will continue to watch over us with kindness.
Okuhira: There may be some difficult content in the play, but this work should be an opportunity for today's students to learn something. Of course, it's difficult to take action to change something right away, but the first step is to "know". We remember the dramas we watched when we were little even after we become adults, and I think there are many works that we look back on and think "That was interesting". We will do our best to make this work one that today's students will one day say, "I miss ' Mikami Sensei'! It was a great drama!"