The variety show "Mori Kasumi's All Lies TV" (TV Asahi, Wednesday nights at 2:34am excluding some regions), hosted by former TV Tokyo announcer Mori Kasumi, who is known as the "Reiwa Era's Queen of Cunning", was broadcast late on the night of January 29th.
On this day, Mori, together with former HKT48 member Tanaka Miku, also known as the "Reiwa Gravure Venus," planned to check out the rooms of popular men. They also "stormed" the home of Higashibukuro, a member of the comedy duo "Saraba Seishun no Hikari."
When asked how many women he had invited into his room this year, Higashibukuro bluntly replied, "I was sitting there yesterday too." Pointing to the sofa where Mori and Tanaka were sitting, the two of them exclaimed in surprise, "Whaaaaat?"
The living room was clean, but Mori-san grimaced and said, "I don't like this sofa that gives the impression that you can start using it anywhere right away." When Higashibukuro-san casually said that the best cleaning robot costs about 200,000 yen, Tanaka-san complained, "It's not very interesting."
The two also checked the bathroom. There are no toothbrushes there, and they try to avoid the shadows of other women flickering around. Tanaka, who noticed that the bathroom door was completely visible through the glass, was surprised and said, "Wait, maybe I can't do this, it's really disgusting, the bathroom is so see-through!" Higashibukuro replied, "After this, when we say 'confirmed,' we'll open it a little and have a peek," to which Tanaka yelled, "Gross!" and Mori was shocked and said, "That's scary."
However, Tanaka-san gave it a high rating, saying, "Surprisingly, there was nothing to criticize. There are few things, and it's kept clean... out of a possible 100, the room is a popular spot... 97 points!" The program is available for viewing on TVer, ABEMA, TV Asahi Catch Up, and TELASA.