A press conference was held for the 22nd installment of the popular anime series "PreCure: Idols with You," with Matsuoka Misato, who plays Cure Idol/Sakura Uta, Minami Takahashi, who plays Cure Ink/Soukaze Nana, and Takamori Natsumi, who plays Cure Kyun Kyun/Shiu Kokoro, appearing. The motif of the 22nd installment is "idols," and the theme is "Because you're here, I can shine and become stronger!" Takahashi said, "I've always wanted to be a PreCure! The people at my agency said, 'Congratulations!' and I cried. I've always said in various places that I want to be a PreCure! PreCure is special. It's a presence that can support people's hearts. I want to become an actor who can support them."
Takahashi said happily, "I've always wanted to appear in PreCure, so I kept the time during my schedule clear for PreCure recordings. But now PreCure recordings have been added to my schedule, and every time I look at my schedule it's full!"
Takahashi plays Nana Sofu, a second-year junior high school student who is good at playing the piano and is a kind and intelligent girl. She transforms into Cure Ink with a wink, a fan service. Her catchphrase is "The courage of the heart that twinkles with you! Cure Ink with a snap of the eyes!"
Takahashi said, "I cut my bangs a little to match Nana-chan, but I ended up cutting them too short...But I'd like to keep my bangs like this!" and added, "I would be happy if I could be a step of courage for all of you who are supporting me in front of the TV. I think I'll be a wonderful PreCure that will move forward together with everyone, so please support me!"
In "You and Idol PreCure♪," the legendary saviors, Idol PreCure, sing, dance, and give "fan service" for "you," the people they love, the people important to them, the people who support them, the people next to them, and the people in front of them, and your presence makes Idol PreCure shine brighter and stronger.
The series will be directed by Chiaki Kon, who has worked on "Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal," "Back Street Girls - Gokudols," and "Movie Happiness Charge Precure! The Ballerina of Doll Country," with Yoichi Kato in charge of series composition and Miho Sugimoto in charge of character design. The series will be broadcast on ABC TV and TV Asahi every Sunday at 8:30 a.m. starting February 2nd.