A figure of Fujita Kotone, who appears in "School Idolmaster" from the popular "Idolmaster (Idolmaster)" series of games, "Lucrea Gakuen Idolmaster Fujita Kotone The Cutest Me in the World Ver." (Megahouse) will be released.
Using the SSR card "I'm the Cutest in the World" as a motif, this figure expresses the charm of Kotone, who is full of energy and cuteness. The idol costume is based on pastel colors, giving it a transparent and bright atmosphere, while the hairband and collar are finished with striking aurora colors. The base is inspired by live performances and stages. We aimed to create a figure that allows you to enjoy her cuteness from any angle. Total height is approximately 25 cm.
Pre-orders are being accepted on Bandai Namco Group's official shopping site "Premium Bandai" and elsewhere. Shipment is scheduled for July.