It has been announced that the TV anime "With You and the Rain" (Ame and You), based on the popular manga by Nikaido Yuki currently serialized in the manga magazine "Young Magazine" (Kodansha), will begin airing in July. The cast has also been announced, with Saori Hayami Saori playing Fuji, a female novelist who is in love with the main character, Ame. Also appearing in the series will be Kamakura Arina as Fuji's cool beauty best friend Mimi, Sato Satomi as Fuji's soothing best friend Ren, and Yumoto Yuzuko as Krause Ella Kii, a curious first-grader. A winter version of the key visual has also been released, showing the main character Fuji and "Kimi", a dog (?) picked up by Fuji, standing in the snow.
The series will be directed by Tsukimisato Tomohiro, who has worked on "Tanuki to Kitsune" and "Ueno-san wa Bukiyou," with series composition by Machida Douko, who has worked on "Uramichi Oniisan" and "Laugh on the Runway," and character design by Owada Ayano, who served as animation director for "Teasing Master Takagi-san 3." It will be produced by L'ESPRIT.
Hayami commented, "When I was previously in charge of the audio for the promotional video, I read the original work in one go and was deeply moved by the beauty of the story and the delicacy of the illustrations. Even when I was auditioning for the anime adaptation, I had always hoped to be involved in this work again, so I was really happy when I was given the opportunity. I am recording each episode carefully and with great care, as if struggling, so that I can express the character of Fuji through my voice. I am facing this work together with you as if you were my spiritual partner."
Kamakura said, "I'm Kamakura Arina, and I will be playing the role of Mimi. When I first read the original work, I felt that it was a work that would leave you with a wonderful, heart-warming feeling after reading it. I hope I can successfully express the cuteness of Mimi that subtly exudes in her casual interactions. I hope this will be a time of relief and healing for everyone in the midst of everyday life that is like the ever-changing weather. Please enjoy while enjoying your favorite drink and hugging a Tanu...a dog? in your heart!"
Sato said, "I am a huge fan of Nikaido Yuki's work. I have read 'With You and the Rain', of course, and I hope that more people will know how interesting this work is. Then I heard about the audition. When I heard that I had been chosen for the role of Ren, I was so happy that I shouted out in joy, so loud that it echoed throughout the office...! Ren is a carefree and free-spirited person, but her eyes are so gentle when she watches over everyone, and she makes the space just warm enough with her casual words. I love her so much, so I am honored to have had the opportunity to see the world from the same perspective and live with her. As a fan, I will do my best to bring even more happiness to everyone who watches the anime than I feel after reading the manga...! Please look forward to it."
Yumoto commented, "Hello everyone, I am Yumoto Yuzuko, and I will be playing the role of Krause Ella Kii. With the kind support of the other cast and staff members around me, I did my best to fully express Kii-chan's fluffy cuteness, as well as her curiousity and hard-working studiousness. Every time I read the original work or the script, I wish I had a friend like Kii-chan. I can't wait for everyone to watch the broadcast, and I'm really looking forward to it myself!"
Director Tsukimisato said, "I aimed to create a film that captures the coexistence of beauty and humor, which is the charm of the original work, while creating a gentle world that makes you want to immerse yourself in it forever. I would be happy if it becomes a soothing film that can be close to everyone, just like"
The story depicts the heartwarming and precious daily life of a person and a pet who meet on a rainy night. The manga, which was published on X (Twitter), became a hot topic and was serialized in Young Magazine.
◇Staff (titles omitted)
Director: Tsukimisato Tomohiro▽Series Composition: Machida Doko▽Character Design: Owada Ayano▽Animation Production: L'esprit
◇Cast (titles omitted)
Fuji: Saori Saori Hayami ▽ Mimi: Arina Kamakura ▽ Len: Satomi Sato ▽ Krause Ella Kii: Yuzuko Yumoto