Soccer player Kazuyoshi Miura, also known as "King Kazu," will be a guest on the two-hour special "Shabekuri 007," broadcast on Nippon Television at 9:00 pm on January 20th. Japan national soccer team manager Hajime Moriyasu will also be making an appearance, marking his first appearance together on a talk variety show.
The program will unravel the glorious history of Miura, who is now 57 years old and in his 40th year as an active player, and the four musketeers of the J.League Bubble - Tonami Toshifumi, Takeda Nobuhiro, Maezono Masashi, and Okano Masayuki - will also appear in the studio to share memories.
When coach Moriyasu appeared on stage, he talked about his feelings at the time of the "Doha Tragedy" in 1993, when Japan was caught up in extra time and missed out on the World Cup.
Four years later, in 1997, the whole of Japan was excited by the "Johor Bahru Joy" when the team secured their first appearance in the World Cup, but Miura was not selected for the final squad. What actions did King Kazu take at that time, which shocked the nation, and how did coach Moriyasu react to this decision at the time? The future dreams of Miura, who is still playing today, will also be revealed.