Shiho Kato, who graduated from the idol group "Hinatazaka46" after about eight years at the end of last year, attended a press conference held recently by TV Asahi (Minato Ward, Tokyo) for the drama series "Boku no Azatoi Motokano" (Fridays at 11:15pm, starting January 24th).
When asked about an "unforgettable ○○" in reference to the drama's theme "An unforgettable ex-lover," Kato revealed, "It's a single word that I will never forget. When it was decided that I would be appearing in this drama, I told my good friend Hiraoka Kurage of Hinatazaka46 that I would be appearing, and she replied in a low voice, 'I've never seen your cunning side, so I'm looking forward to it' (laughs)," imitating the voice of Hiraoka, who was her junior in the group.
He continued, "I'll never forget the mixture of emotions of knowing that's what he was thinking and being happy that they were looking forward to it (laughs). Those words kept crossing my mind even while we were filming," drawing laughter from those around him.
At the press conference, Kato was surprised by the blue bouquet he received from Naniwa Danshi's Joichiro Fujiwara and Maria Tani, to celebrate his new start. Kato was a little confused by the unexpected gift, saying, "I'm a little shaken up," but was delighted, saying, "This is the happiest thing I've ever felt in my life!"
The drama is a new attempt in which the MCs of TV Asahi's popular variety show "Azatokute Nani ga Warui no?" (Thursdays at 12:45am, excluding some regions) Ryota Yamazato and Airi Suzuki comment on the story and lines from the viewer's perspective as the story progresses. The drama depicts the love stories of three people: Takumi Sakashita (Fujiwara), who still has feelings for his ex-girlfriend, Mei Sonoda (Kato), Takumi's ex-girlfriend who has acquired the weapon of "cuteness" through hard work, and Asahi Okuyama (Tani), a career woman who has feelings for Takumi.