" Chiikawa Proverbs of Life" (Kodansha), a book that teaches proverbs from Nagano's popular manga " Chiikawa ", will be released on January 22nd. This is the second "proverb book" following " Chiikawa Proverbs 100" (Kodansha), which was released in May 2023 and was a hit with a total circulation of over 100,000 copies. Each proverb is accompanied by a manga and explanation.
The second volume introduces 82 proverbs in six themes. Chapter 1 is "Doing Our Best Chiikawa", Chapter 2 is "Chiikawa's Days", Chapter 3 is "Hachiware and Hunting", Chapter 4 is "I Love to Eat", Chapter 5 is "Various Dangers", and Chapter 6 is "Days with Friends". You can learn proverbs while enjoying the world of "Chiikawa", which includes crying, laughing, studying, and hunting.
The price is 1,100 yen.