The popular TV Tokyo variety show "Moyamoya Summers 2 (Moyasama)" (Saturday 11:30 am) starring the comedy duo "Summers" will air on January 11th with the title "Around Urawa [19th year anniversary] Are you OK? Walking".
"Moyasama" began as a special program in January 2007, billed as a city walking show in which the trio of "Samaazu" comedians Otake Kazuki, Mimura Masakazu, and announcer Oe Mariko (currently a newscaster) stroll around town commenting on things that make people feel "frustrated."
Currently, Hitomi Tanaka, an announcer from the same station, appears with "Samaazu" as the fourth assistant. This marks the 19th year of the show.
On this day, we strolled around Urawa. A manga background artist showed off his amazing skills, and there was also a soothing scene with an unfinished dorayaki robot.