Shiori Doi, who attracted attention for her excellent performance as Yamada Yone, a cross-dressing lawyer known as "Yone-san" in the NHK morning drama "The Tiger and Her Wings" in the first half of 2024, has been announced to appear in "Vanilla na Mainichi," which will be broadcast in NHK's "Yorudora" slot (General TV, Monday to Thursday at 10:45 pm). She will play Junko, a foreign consultant who comes to make fruit tarts. Junko is a character with excellent grades and a serious personality who was supposed to live life as an elite, but...
"Vanilla Everyday" is based on a novel by Tsubasa Kato and is a "sweets human drama" set in a small pastry shop in Osaka. Misako Renbutsu plays the main character, patissier Aoi Shirai, and Hiromi Nagasaku plays the brazen and cheerful cooking researcher Manami Sadotani.
Doi commented, "The character I play, Junko, is someone who tries too hard. During filming, I felt as if my heart was gradually relaxing along with Junko. I felt like I was able to spend a very rich time in the natural, warm space created by Renbutsu and Nagasaku. We all smelled the delicious aroma rising from the pot, and waited for the cake to bake while sipping tea. I discovered that the luxurious "pauses" that occur while making sweets can be soothing to the soul. I hope to be able to share that luxury with everyone who watches the show."
In addition, it was announced that Ito Osamu will play the role of Yumi, who appears in camouflage uniform, Wago Yui will play the role of Yuan, a high school student who loves sweets, Nakajima Hiroko will play the role of Yuan's mother, and Tanimura Mizuki and Tsutsui Mariko will play the role of the mother of the main character, Shirai Aoi.
"Vanilla Everyday" will begin on January 20th and will be broadcast for a total of 32 episodes over eight weeks.