The drama "Honnou Switch," starring Kaito Miyachika of the popular group Travis Japan and actor Wakana Aoi, will begin airing on TV Asahi's "Oshidora Saturday" slot (Saturdays at 11 p.m.) on January 11, 2025.
Based on the manga of the same name by KUJIRA (Kodansha), the film depicts the "pure and sincere first love of adults" in which childhood friends Hijiri (played by Miyachika) and Koyori (played by Aoi) become involved through an unexpected turn of events and once again face their sealed feelings for each other. Just before filming began, the two spoke about their impressions of each other and the similarities between them and their roles in an interview.
--This is your second time working together. What are your impressions of each other?
Miyachika: This is the second time we've worked together, but in the previous film, we only had a brief scene together, and we didn't have a chance to talk during waiting time, so we only exchanged quick greetings. So, this time it feels like we're meeting for the first time, but I have the impression that she's an actress who is active at the forefront, so I thought, "I can work with a reliable person!"
Aoi: Thank you! I had a cool impression of Miyachika-san, perhaps because of the image of the role he played last time we worked together. Sei's character is completely different from cool, so I wondered what kind of atmosphere he had, but when I met him again this time, I thought he was a very gentle person. I think that Miyachika-san's usual atmosphere is close to Sei's. I hope that we can create a warm atmosphere for the story together.
--How did you feel when you found out you'd be appearing in this film?
Miyachika: I was very happy to be able to appear in a work in the Oshidora series, which has featured my seniors and juniors. I read the original story after it was decided that I would be appearing, but for me, it was a little too straightforward (laughs). Since I'm the one playing the role, I want to do my best to bring out the purity.
Aoi: I haven't had much experience with romance, so I was surprised when they chose me (laughs). I've just finished the script reading, and I'm still trying to think of how to incorporate the role.
--Aoi-san, you were surprised by the offer.
Aoi: That's right (laughs). It's a classic love story, or in a way, a dreamlike story. It's quite a high hurdle for me to embody something so sparkling, so I'll do my best.
--You play the gentle Sei and the lively Koa, but are there any similarities between you and your characters?
Miyachika: Sei is 26 and I'm 27, so we're close in age. The story is set in the present day, so we work in different environments, but maybe because we're close in age, I think we have similar views on life. Also, I think fans think that I have a "lively" image when I'm in the public eye with the group, but I'm not that lively all the time (laughs). There are some parts of my real self that overlap.
Aoi: I think we're similar in that we both say what we want to say clearly. But if you look closely, we're completely different. Kowa is a gamer, but I'm not very good at it (laughs). Also, maybe because I grew up as childhood friends with Sei, I'm quite tomboyish, so I want to properly express those differences between me and her.
-What kind of characters do you think Hijiri and Koa are?
Miyachika: Kowa-chan has a tomboyish personality, she can't be honest, and she doesn't dress up. As a man, I think she's very cute. In the first episode, she was dumped by her boyfriend and was drunk and talking, and she was cute (laughs).
Aoi: Sei is also very pure and straightforward, and even though she is 26 years old, she is not at all jaded (laughs). She is also tolerant, and the female staff members were saying, "There are not many people who will listen to me this much!" (laughs). I think she is a character with the warmth of a "winter kotatsu."
--Finally, please tell us your enthusiasm.
Miyachika: Yesterday, I read the script with Aoi-san, and Kowa-chan was close to the image I had. I was able to feel the "warmth" of the character, and I'm looking forward to filming even more. I want to do my best so that the viewers can feel pure emotions! I'm shy, so I'll try to communicate with her (laughs).
Aoi: I think the warm atmosphere between Sei and Koa is an important part of this story, so I want to be conscious of trying to get as close to that atmosphere as possible, and I want to create a story that makes people feel warm and fuzzy when they watch it.