New visuals of Charlie and Lucy from the TV anime "The Darwin Incident," based on the manga by Shun Umezawa, which was also the subject of much discussion after being selected as the winner of the Manga Taisho 2022 Grand Prize, were released on January 1st. Titled the "New Year's visual," the image shows Charlie and Lucy in hakama trousers writing the New Year's calligraphy for the zodiac sign of the snake for 2025.
"The Darwin Incident" has been serialized in "Monthly Afternoon" (Kodansha) since 2020. Charlie, a "humanzee" born between a human and a chimpanzee, faces the problems that "humans" face, such as terrorism, online outrage, and discrimination.
The series has sold over 1.8 million copies in total. It has swept all the manga awards, including being ranked 10th in the men's edition of "This Kono Manga ga Sugoi! 2022," the Excellence Award in the Manga Division of the 25th Japan Media Arts Festival, and 2nd in the "Recommended Comics of 2022 Selected by Comics Editors at Publishing Companies." It was also selected for the Asia section of "BD Gest'Arts" at the 50th Angoulême International Comics Festival in France, and is gaining popularity not only in Japan but also overseas.
The anime will be directed by Tsuda Naokatsu and produced by Bellnox Films.