The 12th episode of "Dragon Ball DAIMA," a completely new series of the anime "Dragon Ball" based on the popular manga by the late Akira Toriyama, titled "Sokojikara," aired on Fuji TV on December 27th.
Vegeta fights on an equal footing with Tamagami, the guardian of the Dragon Balls, but struggles in the unfamiliar underwater battle. Vegeta is cornered and sinks to the bottom of the water, but he unleashes his "Sokojikara" power. Vegeta, now a Super Saiyan, fights Tamagami.
"Dragon Ball Daima" is an anime commemorating the 40th anniversary of "Dragon Ball". The original author Toriyama, who passed away in March this year, was in charge of the story, character design, settings, etc. This is the first new anime series in about six years since "Dragon Ball Super", which ended its broadcast in March 2018. It is currently being broadcast on Fuji TV every Friday at 11:40 pm.