The film "Hyouka" (directed by Matsuyama Hiroaki, to be released in 2023), starring actor Suda Masaki, will be broadcast for the first time on terrestrial television on January 4th on Fuji TV's "Saturday Premium" slot (Saturday 9pm).
The film "Hyouka" is based on the popular manga (Shogakukan) by Yumi Tamura, which has sold over 18 million copies, and is the first film adaptation of the drama of the same name that aired on Fuji TV's "Getsu 9" (Mondays at 9:00 pm) in January 2022. This is a new type of mystery in which Tono Kuno (played by Suda), whose trademark is his natural curls, solves mysteries and people's problems.
The story begins with a naturally curly, talkative college student, Osamu Kuno (Suda), visiting Hiroshima for an art exhibition. There, he meets a high school girl, Shiori Kariatsume (Nanoka Hara), who is an acquaintance of Garo Inudo (Nagayama Eita). "Would you like to do a part-time job? Your money and your life are at stake. I'm serious," Shiori says, offering Osamu a part-time job. It is related to the inheritance of a huge fortune from the Kariatsume family.
The four potential heirs - the grandsons of the head of the family, Shioji, Karishma Rikinosuke (Keita Machida), Habakabe Arata (Hagiwara Riku), and Akamine Yura (Shibasaki Kou) - along with Kurumasaka Asahi (Matsushita Kohei), the grandson of the Karishma family's legal advisor, solve the mystery in order to obtain the inheritance, following the objective written in the will - "Put everything in its proper place in each storehouse, with neither excess nor shortage."
This inheritance, which has been passed down from generation to generation, is cursed, and each time it is passed down, someone has died. Shiori's father also died in a car accident with other candidates eight years ago. The "truth" hidden in the inheritance is gradually unraveled. And there was the "darkness and secrets" of the family that have been passed down through generations...