It has been revealed that Toshiaki Kasuga from the comedy duo "Audrey" and Kazuya Togawa, an editor at the manga magazine "Weekly Shonen Magazine" (Kodansha), will be making guest appearances on TBS Radio's "Akari Nibu's Japan No. 2 Journey" (December 30th, 4pm), where Akari Nibu from the idol group "Hinatazaka46" serves as the main personality.
The program is a talk variety show in which Nibu, who joined Hinatazaka46 as a second-generation member and has been well-liked for her endearing character, learns from the world's "second place" people with Maeda Yuuta of the comedy duo "Timon D."
In the guest corner, there will be a talk between Togawa, an editor at Weekly Shonen Magazine, the second-ranked boys' manga magazine in terms of circulation, and Kasuga of Audrey, the runner-up in the 2008 M-1 Grand Prix, to delve deeper into the journey and struggles they have faced so far.