The official magazine for the popular manga and anime series "Doraemon," "Doraemon Life 2025 Winter Issue - Aimyon Selection" (Shogakukan), was released on December 27th. Aimyon, who will be performing the theme song "Sketch" for the latest theatrical release "Doraemon: Nobita's Art World Tales" (directed by Yukiyo Teramoto, scheduled for release on March 7th, 2025), appears in the magazine and talks about the theme song and "Doraemon." The magazine also includes 10 episodes of the manga "Doraemon" selected by Aimyon.
Aimyon has selected 10 episodes, including "Doraemon Darake," "Doraemon in Love," and "Come Come Cat Food." Also included is a special "friends" conversation between Aimyon and Mizuta Wasabi, who plays Doraemon, an interview with Suzuka Oji, who is a guest voice actor in the latest movie version, and a "Doraemon Movie 45th Anniversary Famous Scenes Chronology."
The price is 850 yen.