Shinichi Hatori, who serves as the newscaster for TV Asahi's morning information program "Shinichi Hatori Morning Show" (Monday to Friday 8:00 am), appeared with regular commentator Toru Tamagawa on the long-running talk show "Tetsuko's Room" (TV Asahi) hosted by Tetsuko Kuroyanagi, which aired on December 25th. He revealed the "changes" that have taken place in Tamagawa's life since she retired from TV Asahi last year and became a freelancer.
This is the sixth time that Hatori and Tamagawa have appeared on "Tetsuko's Room" together. Tamagawa retired one year and five months ago. Hatori said, "Tetsuko told me, 'You can still come on even if you quit,' so I'm still appearing on the show thanks to her," explaining that Tamagawa continues to appear on the show even after her retirement.
Tetsuko denied it, saying, "It's not like I said, 'Sure,'" to which Hatori replied, "No, Tetsuko said so. When she was still an employee." Tamagawa also revealed the "truth," saying, "I heard that's why she was on the show."
This was the first time the two of them participated in a talk show together. Hatori reflected, "We were invited to an event by Akita Asahi Broadcasting. Tamagawa's popularity in Akita and the excitement was greater than we had imagined." Over 1,000 people gathered, including some holding fans with photos of their faces on them like idols. Tamagawa seemed satisfied, saying, "I'm over 60 now, so this was my first time experiencing what it's like to be an idol."
Hatori said Tamagawa was "quite excited" and was worried about her now that she was freelance. "To put it in a positive way, she's become more energetic. To put it in a negative way, she's become a little too energetic. First of all, her casual clothes have become a lot more stylish. Up until now she's been wearing navy and blue, but now she's started wearing bright colors."
Meanwhile, Tamakawa said about the Tokyo FM radio program "Radio no Tamakawa," for which she is the host, "I thought it would be okay to wear a tracksuit every time because it's radio, but now I take a photo and post it on X (formerly Twitter) every time.I don't wear a costume at the time, I wear my own clothes, so I realized that it's not good to dress the same way every time, and in that sense I do it properly."