A new season, "UNITRIBE SEASON: 06," has begun for the arcade game "Mobile Suit Gundam Arsenal Base," based on the popular anime series "Gundam." Mobile suits and characters from "Turn A Gundam," "GUNDAM SIDE-F," "Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans," and "Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam" will be taking part.
"Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam"'s Qubeley and The O's "Cornered Siege" have also been added. It deals damage to the target enemy with area shots and melee attacks, and stuns them for a certain period of time. It can only be used once per sortie. "Moon's Cocoon" from "Turn A Gundam" can also be activated, with Turn A Gundam and Turn X cooperating.
A new raid boss, the Purge version of Rafflesia, will also be joining the battle.