An event called "Cells at Work - Cell Gathering Premiere" for the film "Cells at Work" (directed by Takeuchi Hideki, scheduled for release on December 13th), a live-action adaptation of the popular manga by Shimizu Akane featuring characters that are personified human cells, was held in Tokyo on December 4th, with an all-star cast including Nagano Mei, who plays a red blood cell, and Sato Takeru, who plays a white blood cell (neutrophil), making an appearance.
In addition to Nagano and Sato, a total of 15 people appeared at the event and walked the red carpet, including Ashida Mana, Abe Sadao, Yamamoto Koji, Naka Riisa, Matsumoto Wakana, Itagaki Rihito, Kato Ryo, Kato Seishirō, Maikapyu, Niiro Shinya, Ozawa Masaru, Fukase, and director Takeuchi Hideki.
The film is a live-action adaptation of Shimizu's popular manga (Kodansha), which has sold over 10 million copies in total, starring Nagano and Sato. Set inside the human body, the film depicts the daily activities of personified cells. Nagano plays a red blood cell that struggles to deliver oxygen to each organ in the body, while Sato plays a white blood cell that eliminates foreign substances such as bacteria and viruses that enter the body.