Apparel items such as sweatshirts and coats, a collaboration between the anime Dragon Ball Z, based on the manga by the late Akira Toriyama, and the apparel brand Graniph, will be released on December 10th. A total of 25 items will be released, featuring designs of characters such as Son Goku, Vegeta, Frieza, Piccolo, and Son Gohan. The lineup includes a mod coat called "Emperor of the Universe | Mod Coat" (18,000 yen) with the number "530,000" printed on the chest, which represents the fighting power of Frieza's first form, and his figure embroidered and appliqued on the back, a hoodie called "Goku VS Frieza | Fleece Big Silhouette Hoodie" (7,900 yen) with a design of a scene where Goku and Frieza glare at each other, and a sweatshirt called "Survival | Fleece Big Silhouette Sweatshirt" (6,900 yen) with a design of Piccolo and Gohan. Other items to be released include socks (1,200 yen), bags (6,500 yen), and wallets (5,500 yen) with a design of Frieza's first form. Reservations are being accepted at Graniph's official online store.