Anime "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED FREEDOM" HG Murasame Kai, a Gunpla that transforms into MA form, with a beautiful silhouette, Orb's mass-produced transformable MS

「機動戦士ガンダムSEED FREEDOM」のムラサメ改のガンプラ「HG 1/144 ムラサメ改」(c)創通・サンライズ
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「機動戦士ガンダムSEED FREEDOM」のムラサメ改のガンプラ「HG 1/144 ムラサメ改」(c)創通・サンライズ

"HG 1/144 Murasame Kai" (Bandai Spirits), a Gunpla (plastic model) of the Murasame Kai that appears in "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED FREEDOM", a popular anime series from the "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED" series, went on sale on October 19th. It costs 2,750 yen.

Orb's mass-produced transformable mobile suit has been made into a three-dimensional model in the "HG" series. It has a gimmick that allows it to transform into MA form by replacing parts. The silhouette of the fighter plane form has been beautifully expressed.

The foregrip of the beam rifle can be stored and deployed. In MA form, the rifle can be connected to the main wing.

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