Apparel items such as handbags and wallets will be released as a collaboration between the...
"STRICT-G," a concept store for apparel based on the popular anime series "...
It has been announced that the Blu-ray Disc (BD) of "Daikengo," a robot anime that was pop...
A new season, "UNITRIBE SEASON: 06," has begun for the arcade game "Mobile ...
In the NHK Asadora drama "Omusubi " (General TV, Monday to Saturday 8:00 a.m. an...
It has been announced that Chiikawa , Hachiware, and Usagi, characters from Nagano's p...
The junior high school edition of Yuji Ninomiya's baseball manga "BUNGO" was...
It has been announced that a TV anime based on the manga " Uma Musume Cinderella Gray...
It has been revealed that the combined box office revenue of the first and second halves o...
On December 24th, TV personality Nozomi Tsuji's eldest daughter, Noa, updated her Instagra...
The final episode of the drama series " My Precious " (Fuji TV, Thursdays at 10p...
The final episode of the drama series "Light of My Lion" (TBS, Friday 10pm) starring actor...
The final episode of the TBS Sunday Theatre drama " Diamonds Sleeping in the Sea &quo...
Shinichi Hatori, who serves as the newscaster for TV Asahi's morning information progr...
Additional cast members for the TV anime "Alien Muumuu," based on the manga by M...
Takashi Sasaki and Kazuki Machida of the comedy duo "Evers" appeared as guests o...
To celebrate the broadcast of the sequel to the 13th installment of the popular anime seri...
To commemorate the 10th anniversary of the original TV anime "Rolling☆Girls" by ...
It has been revealed that the first episode of the NHK documentary program "NHK Speci...