Masumi Yagi of the comedy duo "Savannah" appeared on the ABEMA news and information program "ABEMA News Show" (Sunday noon) broadcast on January 26th. He talked about "the recommendation of living a life without showing off."
Yagi-san obtained the first-level certification for financial planning last year. He asserts that by continuing to live a modest life, "I've become able to see people's charms and abilities as they really are. I've become able to see people's true nature."
As for the secret to a life without showing off, he stated his opinion: "When it comes to a watch, function is more important than price. The more expensive it is, the harder it is to tell the time." "It's actually better to wear the same clothes every day. It's easier to spot you when you're meeting someone, and if you're at work it gives the impression that you're wearing something new. It's only embarrassing to wear the same clothes until the third time. After the fourth time, people around you will think, 'This person is wearing that outfit on purpose.'"
In the studio, they talked about "things that make you want to show off." Comedian Ojin Ozbourne's Akira Shinomiya confessed, "I usually drive a light car from a car share company, but when I go to take my son to and from cram school, there are only luxury cars lined up. So I rent a higher-class car just for that. It's really unnecessary to show off."
MC Chihara Junior confided, "On the other hand, I only drive rare cars, so I don't want people to think I'm showing off when I pick up or drop off guests."