The 27th episode of the TV anime "The The Apothecary Diaries ," based on the light novel by Natsu Hyuga, which was born from the novel submission site " Shosetsuka ni Naro, " titled "Fuyujin Natsugusa," will be broadcast on Nippon Television's anime slot "FRIDAY ANIME NIGHT (Fura-ani)" at 11:30 pm on January 24th.
A lady-in-waiting who has just finished her term of service and is about to get married goes missing. It's been a long time since she's heard such a story, and Maomao is reminded that the harem was a "women's paradise" where all sorts of motives intermingle. Meanwhile, Jinshi orders her to investigate the poisonous mushrooms growing in the harem. Although Maomao is suspicious of Jinshi 's suggestive words and actions, she is excited to investigate the poisonous mushrooms. After the first day of investigation, she returns to the Jade Palace and learns that one of the mid-ranking concubines has died.
The light novel version of " The Apothecary Diaries" is published by Hero Bunko (Imagine Infos), and its comic adaptation has also gained popularity. The original series has sold over 38 million copies in total. The story is set in the glamorous harem of a certain continent, where Maomao, a poison taster, and the handsome eunuch Jinshi become embroiled in an incident that takes place in the harem, which is full of conspiracies and rumors. The first season of the TV anime aired on Nippon TV from October 2023 to March 2024. The second season will be broadcast over two consecutive seasons.