The second episode of the new TV anime series " Mashin Genesis Wataru ," based on the popular anime series " Mashin Hero Wataru ," entitled "Fuujinmaru Appears: Mifurain's forehead in trouble!" will be broadcast on TV Tokyo on January 19th.
Wataru was in high spirits after defeating the enemies with the demon Ryujinmaru, but he learns that there are still many more enemies to go and that he must defeat the final boss, Enjoda. Ryuryun, a messenger of the dragon god, appears to guide Wataru and his friends on their adventure. When Ryuryun takes them to a new area, they find that Owari-oyakata is running wild as he pleases.
" Mashin Genesis Wataru" is said to be a "Wataru" series aimed at a "new generation," and the protagonist, a fourth-grade elementary school student named Hoshibe Wataru, appears as a YouTuber aiming to become a superstar. Together with his partner Ryujinmaru, Wataru will embark on a "buzzworthy" adventure battle in Chubukai, a different world of floating blocks.
Mutsumi Tamura will play Wataru, Tomokazu Sugita will play Ryujinmaru, Atsumi Atsumi Tanezaki Amabe, Katsuyuki Konishi will play Katsuyuki Konishi, Megu Umezawa will play Maro, and Rie Kugimiya will play Ryuryun. The series is directed by Yumi Kamakura and produced by Bandai Namco Pictures. It airs every Sunday at 5:30pm on TV Tokyo.