It has been announced that the live-streamed drama "Ghost of Radio: A Scary Ghost Bus Tour," produced by Nippon Broadcasting System and WOWOW in collaboration with actor Yuta Koseki, starring in the lead role, will be broadcast on WOWOW from 7:30 pm on February 16, 2025. It will be a director's cut version edited by director Akiko Okuda.
This drama commemorates the 70th anniversary of the launch of Nippon Broadcasting System, and is a non-stop entertainment set on a haunted bus tour from the radio show "Sanshiro's All Night Nippon 0 (ZERO)" by the comedy duo "Sanshiro." Koseki plays Yamamoto Shuta of the comedy duo "FUJIYAMA," and Sato Kanta plays Kudo Takuya, his partner with an unyielding dream. Yoshizumi, Sanshiro, and special guests Shimizu Michiko and Chiba Yudai also appear in the show, which was streamed live on November 17th and 29th.
The winner is... FUJIYAMA!"
The comedy duo FUJIYAMA, consisting of Yamamoto Shuta (Koseki Yuta) and Kudo Takuya (Sato Kanta), won the "All Night Nippon 0 ~ Decisive Battle! Comedy Yurakucho ~" and took a step towards popularity. Five years after their sudden breakup, their names have already disappeared from the public's memory...
Yamamoto, who has turned into a manager, is in charge of the very popular radio personality Sanshiro (Sanshiro). On the day of the special project for the 70th anniversary of the launch of Nippon Broadcasting System, "Go with Sanshiro! A Scary Ghost Bus Tour," he gets on the bus despite being roughly relied on by the program director Miyakoshi (Yoshizumi).
Listeners with their own secrets. Program D wants to do something out of the ordinary. An uneasy atmosphere hangs over the place... Will the bus, where the ghosts of radio gather, be able to safely reach Nippon Broadcasting in Yurakucho? Once it starts moving, it won't stop, because there's something that I want to do even if I die.