A "collaboration visual" has been created in honor of the cast of the currently-showing movie "Doctor-X: The Movie" (directed by Tamura Naoki) starring Ryoko Yonekura on "Zawatsuku! Omisoka," which will be broadcast on New Year's Eve on TV Asahi. The visual features Daimon Michiko, played by Yonekura, and "Daimon Chisako," played by Takashima Chisako, dressed like Daimon Michiko, with the copy "New Year's Eve, I won't fail."
Upon seeing the finished visual, Takashima was surprised at the high level of reproduction, saying, "Wow, it's amazing! I wonder if the people involved with 'Doctor X' will be angry and say, 'This is too much of a prank.'"
"Zawatsuku! New Year's Eve" will be broadcast for eight hours from 5pm on December 31st to 1am on January 1st. Starring Yonekura, Tanaka Kei, Uchida Yuki, and Suzuki Kosuke from "Doctor X: The Movie," they will compete in a quiz against the "Zawatsuku Army" consisting of Nagashima Kazushige, Ishihara Yoshizumi, and Takashima. In addition to the Doctor X members, other impressive guests including Mizutani Yutaka and Terawaki Yasushi from "Aibou" will also be making an appearance.