The drama series "My Diary" (ABC TV/TV Asahi, Sundays 10:15pm) starring actor Kaya Kiyohara has recently wrapped up filming. The five actors who played her university classmates - Kaya Kiyohara, Hayato Sano, Ai Yoshikawa, Ai Mikami and Ayumu Mochizuki - have all finished filming.
Kiyohara greeted the audience by saying, "When filming first started, we were saying, 'It's hot, isn't it?' But now it's December..." The other four commented on her choice of the bitter word "December," and she reflected on the filming, saying, "It made me think back to how few filmings I've had that pass by so quickly. It felt like I was able to experience college life in this production, and the time I spent thinking about friendship and kindness was gentle and I learned a lot."
He continued, "It feels like it has passed by as a matter of course, but behind the scenes, I believe we have been able to get to this day with the support of so many staff members and extras.I am truly grateful."He expressed his gratitude as the chairman of the cast, and concluded by saying, "I would like to become a deeper person so that I can work with you again."A huge round of applause erupted on set, and filming ended in a warm atmosphere that was just like the world of the work.
Sano said, "I was happy to be able to act with people of my generation who are all talented actors, and I learned a lot from each day," and Yoshikawa smiled and said, "I really felt like I was living the life of a student, and it's sad that it's over, but I'll do my best so that we can work together again."
Mochizuki said, "I'm so happy to have had the opportunity to work with everyone these past three months, along with my wonderful co-stars and staff, and even with me, who can get a little off-kilter (laughs)!", greeting the cast with the same playfulness as his mood-maker character. Mikami said, "When I played the role of a college student, I realized that I'm not a college student anymore (laughs). I felt like I was able to make my college days a part of my memories by playing this role." The drama will air its final episode (episode 9) on December 22nd.