The comedy duo "Nasu Nakanishi" will appear on Kuroyanagi Tetsuko's long-running talk show "Tetsuko's Room" (TV Asahi) on November 29th at 1pm. They are often thought of as young because they have only recently become popular, but they are veteran duo with 24 years of experience in the entertainment industry. At the end of last year, Nasu Akiyuki was suddenly hospitalized due to a cerebral infarction, and they will reveal the details of the situation at that time. He gained popularity soon after his debut in Osaka, but after moving to Tokyo, he had an unfortunate life working part-time jobs. After the setback, he changed his attitude, and later attracted attention on variety shows for his "good reporting". This time, they will report live on "Tetsuko's Room", and Kuroyanagi's reaction? They are a rare cousin duo in the entertainment industry, and have been best friends since childhood. Nakanishi Shigeki got married in 2017 and Nasu in 2022, but Nakanishi talks about Nasu's marriage, which he does not like.