Special program "National Anime Festival" delves into the 55-year history of "Sazae-san" - a series of surprising facts revealed!? The loyal Hanazawa-san and the "no delicacy" Norisuke

11月26日放送の「国民的アニメの祭典 サザエさん55周年SP」に出演する(前列左から)井上清華アナウンサー)、川島明さん、内田有紀さん、(後列左から)あんりさん、高畑淳子さん、島崎和歌子さん、吉村崇さん、柴田英嗣さん(C)フジテレビ
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11月26日放送の「国民的アニメの祭典 サザエさん55周年SP」に出演する(前列左から)井上清華アナウンサー)、川島明さん、内田有紀さん、(後列左から)あんりさん、高畑淳子さん、島崎和歌子さん、吉村崇さん、柴田英嗣さん(C)フジテレビ

A special two-hour program called "National Anime Festival: Sazae-san 55th Anniversary SP," which delves into the history of the popular anime "Sazae-san" (Fuji TV), which celebrated its 55th anniversary this October, will be broadcast on the network from 7pm on November 26th. Under the theme of "Unexpected Facts about Sazae-san," the program will introduce little-known aspects of the characters, revealing surprising facts about Sazae-san's age and the fact that Norisuke, who is also Katsuo and Wakame's cousin, is "too insensitive." It will also focus on Hanazawa, who continues to have feelings for Katsuo, and introduce the history of her "loyal feelings." The special program is a new addition to the "National Anime Festival! Sazae, Maruko, One Piece, Demon Slayer, Chiikawa - 55 Years of Famous Scenes 4-Hour Special" that was broadcast in July, and will feature "Sazae-san" for a full two hours to coincide with the "Sazae-san" special "Celebrating 55 Years of Broadcasting - Autumn Sazae-san Week" that will start on November 25th on the same network.

The "National Anime Festival" project, which caused a stir in the previous one, "National Vote for Sazae-san's Most Wanted Subtitles," will also be held. From all the titles and approximately 8,700 episodes that have been broadcast over the past 55 years, five works will be nominated for each category and a national vote will be held. Subtitles that are "most wanted to see" will be introduced, such as "Suspense Category" with a sense of something unusual such as "It's a Misunderstanding, Mom" and "Masao's Terrifying Shutter," and "Isono Namihei Category" that focuses on Isono's father, Namihei, with such titles as "Dad is the Star of Manga" and "Dad is the Hairdresser."

The hosts will be Kawashima Akira from the comedy duo Kirin and actor Uchida Yuki. Uchida commented, "The main story of Sazae-san is something you can enjoy at your own pace, but this episode has been condensed to a condensed version. You won't be able to take your eyes off it, so watch it with the whole family and laugh your head off!" Kawashima said, "It's not often you can see old footage of Sazae-san, so if you miss this show, you'll never see it again. These days, there are episodes that don't make it on terrestrial TV, and there are episodes that leave you intrigued with the ending and YouTubers analyzing them can't stay silent. If you watch this show, you'll find the current Sazae-san even more interesting, and I think you'll like Hanazawa-san even more (laughs). It was a great show that made me want to watch the next one as soon as possible!"

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