The seventh episode of "Dragon Ball DAIMA," a completely new series of the anime Dragon Ball, based on the popular manga by the late Akira Toriyama, "Kubiwa," was broadcast on Fuji TV on November 22nd.
As Son Goku and friends continue their journey, they are once again blocked by the Military Police, who appear again, perhaps because the magical kubiwa attached to Panji gave them away. Panji's friends try to save him from peril with their bonds. Tamagami, who protects the Dragon Ball, also appears.
"Dragon Ball DAIMA" is an anime commemorating the 40th anniversary of "Dragon Ball." The original author Toriyama, who passed away in March this year, was in charge of the story, character design, and settings. This is the first new anime series in about six years since "Dragon Ball Super," which ended its run in March 2018. It airs every Friday at 11:40 pm on Fuji TV.
"Dragon Ball" is a popular series that was serialized in "Weekly Shonen Jump" (Shueisha) from 1984 to 1995. The TV anime series was broadcast as follows: "Dragon Ball" from February 1986 to April 1989, "Dragon Ball Z" from April 1989 to January 1996, and "Dragon Ball GT" from February 1996 to November 1997. "Dragon Ball Super," a completely new original story created by Toriyama, aired from July 2015 to March 2018.