"Black Jack Missing Pieces" Black Jack and Pinoko T-shirts

「ブラック・ジャック ミッシング・ピーシズ」のTシャツ「『ブラック・ジャック ミッシング・ピーシズ』マッチングTシャツ_BLACK JACK」
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「ブラック・ジャック ミッシング・ピーシズ」のTシャツ「『ブラック・ジャック ミッシング・ピーシズ』マッチングTシャツ_BLACK JACK」

T-shirts and other items from "Black Jack Missing Pieces" (Rittosha), which is comprised of the "phantom original version" of Tezuka Osamu's classic manga "Black Jack," are on sale at the shopping site "T-OD."

T-shirts include "Black Jack Missing Pieces Matching T-shirt_BLACK JACK" (4,840 yen), which features Black Jack from the cover of the book, and "Black Jack Missing Pieces Matching T-shirt_BLACK JACK & PINOKO" (4,840 yen), which features a design of Black Jack and Pinoko's backs.

The lineup also includes the "Black Jack Missing Pieces Matching Hoodie_OPERATION" (8,800 yen), a hoodie featuring a surgery scene, the "Black Jack Missing Pieces Matching Hoodie_PINOKO" (8,800 yen), featuring a Pinoko with a serious look on its face, and the "Black Jack Missing Pieces Matching Long T-Shirt_PINOKO" (6,600 yen), a long T-shirt featuring Pinoko designs on both sleeves.

"Black Jack Historical Color Pieces" (same publisher), a collection of episodes published in color pages when "Black Jack" was first published, will also be released on November 15th.

This site uses machine translation. Please note that it may not always be accurate and may differ from the original Japanese text.

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