Zaku II F type used by Chubs and Kayle from the anime "Mobile Suit Gundam: Requiem of Revenge" is now available as a Gunpla kit, with a set of parts to recreate the Unidentified Zaku II Solari's Zaku II

「機動戦士ガンダム 復讐のレクイエム」に登場するザクII F型 ルショーン機、無識別型ザクII ルショーン機のガンプラのセット「HG 1/144 ザクII F型 ルショーン機 & 無識別型ザクII ルショーン機 (復讐のレクイエム)」(c)創通・サンライズ
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「機動戦士ガンダム 復讐のレクイエム」に登場するザクII F型 ルショーン機、無識別型ザクII ルショーン機のガンプラのセット「HG 1/144 ザクII F型 ルショーン機 & 無識別型ザクII ルショーン機 (復讐のレクイエム)」(c)創通・サンライズ

A Gunpla (plastic model) set of Zaku II F Type Chubs's and Zaku II F Type Kayle's Gunpla from the popular anime series Mobile Suit Gundam: Requiem of Revenge, entitled "HG 1/144 Zaku II F Type Chubs's & Kayle's + Unidentified Zaku II Solari's Reproduction Parts Set (Requiem of Revenge)" (Bandai Spirits) will be released. The Gunpla of the Zaku II F Type Solari, sold separately, entitled "HG 1/144 Zaku II F Type Solari (Requiem of Revenge)", comes with a set of parts to reproduce the Unidentified Zaku II Solari. The price is 6,050 yen.

A precise reproduction of the Red Wolf Corps' Zaku II F Type. The position of the monoeye can be adjusted by sliding the rib on the back of the head. The leg articulation pipes have movable axes at the joints and follow the movement of the legs. It comes with a Zaku machine gun, heat hawk, Zaku bazooka, and long rifle. The heat hawk and Zaku machine gun can be suspended from the back via joint parts.

Preorders will be accepted from noon on October 31st on Bandai Namco Group's official shopping site, Premium Bandai. Shipment is scheduled for January 2025.

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