Pokemon Frienda:Happy Set also includes Pikachu and the legendary Pokemon special friend pick "Poke Piece"

「ハッピーセット『ポケモンフレンダ』」のマクドナルドオリジナルスペシャルフレンダピック全6種(C)2024 Pokemon.(C)1995-2024 Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc.
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「ハッピーセット『ポケモンフレンダ』」のマクドナルドオリジナルスペシャルフレンダピック全6種(C)2024 Pokemon.(C)1995-2024 Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc.

It has been announced that the "Happy Set 'Pokemon Frienda'", a collaboration between the arcade game "Pokemon Frienda" from the popular "Pokemon(Pokemon)" series and McDonald's children's menu "Happy Set", will be released at McDonald's restaurants nationwide from February 14th. A McDonald's original special Frienda pick (6 types in total) that can be used in the game will be included as a bonus.

In Frienda Pick, players think of strategies to win based on the values ​​and characteristics of the cards, such as "Pokémon Energy," "Movement," and "Type." The Happy Set will have a lineup of Pikachu and the legendary Pokémon Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyurem, Rayquaza, and Ogrepon.

The "Happy Set 'Poke Piece'", a collaboration with the "Poke Piece" series of the "Pokemon" series, will also be released on February 14th. A sticker book (6 types in total) with a Pokemon design will be included as a bonus.

The "Honno Happy Set" will also be on sale from February 14th. As the first release of 2025, the set will come with a specially drawn picture book by Aki Kondo, "The Aquarium," and a mini illustrated book, "The World's Most Confusing Animal Encyclopedia Quiz Book."

This site uses machine translation. Please note that it may not always be accurate and may differ from the original Japanese text.

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